Sunday, November 11, 2007


Topic- Call Centres - Boon or Bane

Ramandeep Singh - Strongly against the Topic
Harshdeep Singh - Strongly in favour of the Topic
Manmeet Kaur
Ramandeep singh- In his opinion, call centers are nothing more than a fake organisation luring people into itself and exploit their potential.
Manmeet Kaur - In her opinion call centres are a mixbag having both advantages and disadvantages. They give push to the economy but at the same time come in the way of youth's health.
Harshdeep Singh- He favours the establishment of call centres across the nation as it leads to growth and development of the economy. Youth get good job opportunities and hence it reduces unemployment
Indian call center industry is climbing new horizons and is thriving to new heights day-by-day. The emergence of Call Center industry in India was the rise of an establishment – that was determined to break down all its competitors. The Indian government showed immense interest to lure more business to India by easing levies format and strengthening the existing communication network. Call centers in India is what the Indian experts believe to be the floodgate of the arrival of globalization.Call centers- a boonThere are some concrete factors helping to build up the significant call center industry in India.
The growth for the call-centers in India is close to 35% annually and that will remain in tandem for coming few years.
 If the surveys and economical analysis are to be considered then about 66% of offshore BPO sector is bagged by India.
 More and more western firms are looking to outsource business from India just to bring down the cost. While call centers in India are on an upsurge several buying and selling of the firms is plying as well. Call centers making profits are eyeing to acquire others to expand their base and bolster their opportunities to tap the ever-growing call center business. Others who are not doing well are happy to find several buyers ready to acquire their facility center.
 India comprises highly expert and educated manpower that is able to deliver quality services that matches the international standards.
 The single greatest advantage that drove more and more call centers to India is the coming down the cost of basic telecom and internet services due to privatization and other factors. Also fixing deals through telephones stuck as the cheapest way to convert conversations into business at rock bottom cost.
 The growth of Call-centers in India is parallel to the choice making of the modes of communication. In a survey it was found that 82% of the people would prefer calling a company for queries rather than e-mailing – which is most likely to generate personal touch. This induces the growth of contact centers and eventually the growth of call-center industry in India.
 Call Centers in India provide a highly developed ground for Multinational Corporations by the virtue of highly skilled workforce - and add to it - a very vibrant IT infrastructure.
 The top corporate houses like Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, DELL, American Express, Converges, GE etc are delivering to the splendid economical growth of India.
 Call centers in India – part of the growing business process outsourcing sector – offers huge proportion of English speaking populace - majorly fresh graduates. Many well-qualified workers turn to call centers as the salary is attractive and the job is seen as a good starting point towards a management position.

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